Labour Market Study of Literacy and Essential Skills Workers - SRDC

Labour Market Study of Literacy and Essential Skills Workers

SRDC was commissioned to design, administer, and analyze the results of a first-ever national online survey of professionals involved in the delivery of literacy and essential skills services as instructors, skills assessors, and program developers. As there was no survey sample frame, it was necessary to first engage organizations involved in the delivery of LES services in some way and to ask them to assist SRDC by forwarding the survey invitation and link to employed or contracted workers who deliver LES services. Organizations approached include those that deliver LES services directly, as well as those that do so as part of other services they provide to targeted groups such as persons with disabilities, Aboriginal persons, and new immigrants. The project also involves protocol design for key informant interviews conducted by the client with LES stakeholders to review the survey content. This survey is part of a larger labour market study of essential and literacy skills workers.

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