Community Food Centres Canada – Economic Evaluation - SRDC

Community Food Centres Canada – Economic Evaluation

Community Food Centres Canada (CFCC) was launched in 2012 to fund and support the scaling up of a community-centered model in low-income neighbourhoods where food is used as a tool to build health, belonging, and social justice. In addition to investing in community food centres and the programs they provide, CFCC empowers 140 Good Food Organizations to offer responsive and respectful community food programs, and speaks out on issues of poverty, poor health, and social isolation that affect our communities, as well as creates opportunities for communities and concerned Canadians to take action. SRDC will work with CFCC to conduct an economic evaluation of CFCC’s diverse array of programs nationally. SRDC will develop a quantitative model and template for CFCC to be able to analyze current cost and program data, and identify how data currently being collected by community food centres could be used to inform further program cost analyses, as well as economic evaluations that take into account both costs and benefits.

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