Culturally Responsive and Accessible Approaches to Priority Populations During COVID-19 and Beyond - SRDC

Culturally Responsive and Accessible Approaches to Priority Populations During COVID-19 and Beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic has not affected all Canadians equally. LGBTQ2+ populations are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, compounding existing social, health, and mental health disparities rooted in systemic stigma and discrimination. Recent survey data has shown disproportionate impacts on employment, household finances, and physical and mental health among LGBTQ2+ populations, and particularly racialized members of those populations.

Persistent data gaps continue to pose a challenge reducing health and social inequities in Canada during the pandemic and beyond. There have been increasing calls for ensuring that data collection with marginalized populations be more culturally responsive and accessible. It is not just a matter of collecting more data, but collecting high-quality data that reflects the needs and perspectives of affected communities, and ensuring the processes of data collection, analysis, reporting, and action on health inequities are in themselves inclusive, equity-promoting, and responsive to communities.

This eight-month research initiative will identify key issues, opportunities, and challenges related to culturally relevant and accessible data collection, analysis and reporting with the priority population, and identify existing best or promising practices in health equity data collection and data governance.

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