Increasing Pathways to Secure, Meaningful Employment through Design and Implementation of Inclusive Skills Development Policies: Expanded Measures of Employment Success: SRDC Scan - SRDC

Increasing Pathways to Secure, Meaningful Employment through Design and Implementation of Inclusive Skills Development Policies: Expanded Measures of Employment Success: SRDC Scan

Authors:Courtney LordJacey Payne

Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC) is leading the project “Increasing Pathways to Secure, Meaningful Employment through Design and Implementation of Inclusive Skills Development Policies.”

The primary goal of this project is to advance inclusive skills development policies and practices, create more equal distribution of economic resources, and remove barriers that prevent women from fully participating in economic spheres. This project has been funded through Women and Gender Equality Canada’s Feminist Response and Recovery Fund.

The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) served as a project partner to provide support and advice to WRDC in achieving the project’s objectives.

In response to research showing the tendency for much current reporting for employment supports and programming to focus on quantitative, short-term metrics at the expense of other measures important for understanding the effects on individuals’ lives more broadly, one of SRDC’s main activities has been a review of previous SRDC reports to explore expanded or alternate measures of employment success.

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