SRDC recruiting participants for CareerMotion project - SRDC

SRDC recruiting participants for CareerMotion project

April 30, 2010


SRDC is conducting the CareerMotion project, a research study to test the efficiency of an innovative Web-based career guidance tool designed to help graduates make better use of their skills in the labour market. The tool was designed by career counselors in British Columbia to provide relevant information and activities that can help participants reach their full potential.

The evaluation of CareerMotion is based on the rigorous research design of random assignment. Graduates will be randomly assigned to one of two experimental groups: a program group that is given access to the Web tool or a comparison group. Participants assigned to the comparison group will serve as a counterfactual, providing an unbiased determination of the impacts of the intervention.

Recruitment of participants started on February 4, 2010. We invite you to circulate the information to those who could be interested in participating in the project. To be eligible, participants must

  • have graduated from a Canadian university or college before July 2009,
  • be under the age of  40,
  • live in British Columbia.


Read more about CareerMotion.


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