Today SRDC releases a report to guide the implementation of Canada's new Skills for Success framework - SRDC

Today SRDC releases a report to guide the implementation of Canada’s new Skills for Success framework

November 23, 2022


The report provides a set of overarching principles and emerging practices to inform the design, development, delivery, and evaluation of Skills for Success training programs that address both learner and industry needs. It describes the specific roles key stakeholders such as training organizations, instructors, employers, community members, and funders can play to improve training accessibility, learner engagement, skill assessment, and workplace application of newly acquired skills.

The report was produced in collaboration with an expert Advisory Panel representing training and sectoral organizations across Canada, each of whom provided access to their extensive networks of training practitioners and employers for further feedback. It reflects the Government of Canada’s commitment to support training that is responsive to employer and industry priorities while also meeting the needs of learners who have been historically underrepresented in the labour market and underserved by the traditional education system.

We hope that the report will serve as an idea generator and stimulate further collaborative initiatives to develop tools, resources, and programs to advance the effective implementation of Skills for Success and contribute to Canada’s broader workforce development objectives.

Read the report, executive summary, and communication briefs here.

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