The Child Care Pilot Project changes name! - SRDC

The Child Care Pilot Project changes name!

1 janvier 2011


The Child Care Pilot Project (CCPP) is now known as the Readiness to Learn in Minority Francophone Communities project. The new name represents more accurately the project’s objective of fostering school readiness and general childhood development using a preschool program that combines a childcare program and family workshops targeting the parents of these children. The project takes place in six Canadian communities: Saint John and Edmundston, New Brunswick; Orléans, Cornwall and Durham, Ontario; and Edmonton, Alberta. Francophone preschoolers (and their parents) were followed over a period of four years: from the age of three to seven — that is, from preschool to the start of Grade 2.

This project was part of the 2003–2008 Action Plan for Official Languages and is continued under the 2008–2013 Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality.

Find out more about the project here.

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