Policy Areas
Trusted, evidence-based research, policy development and program evaluation
Since 1991, SRDC has developed trusted, evidence-based research, program development and evaluation for a wide range of policy areas relevant to the well-being of people in Canada with a special focus on those facing disadvantage.
Adult Learning
SRDC works with policy makers, stakeholders and practitioners to develop and enhance programs that help adults access education and skills development programs and resources.
Career Development and LMI
SRDC's evidence-based research enables decision-makers to develop training programs and resources for Canadians facing disadvantages to improve their skills to succeed in the labour market.
Community Capacity
SRDC works with diverse communities to develop research and evaluate initiatives that help leaders improve their ability to provide a sense of place, resources, and opportunities for their community members.
Our research and program evaluation equips employment policymakers and service providers with ways to support Canadians to achieve their employment goals across the life course.
SRDC’s capacity for policy analysis, program evaluation, and performance measurement help pan-Canadian health organizations and others develop effective healthcare solutions and promote population health and wellbeing.
Housing Policy and Homelessness
We undertake a wide range of policy analyses, evaluation, and community-based research to better understand the structural factors exacerbating homelessness and inadequate, unaffordable, or precarious housing and the impact this has on individuals and communities, and to test out creative solutions.
Immigration and Settlement
We work with governments and settlement service providers to identify effective programs and supports essential to the integration of newcomers.
Income Security
Our research enables policy and decision-makers to develop and implement programs and policies with the aim to reduce poverty and improve the economic well-being of vulnerable Canadians.
P-12 Education
Our projects consider the factors necessary for every child to succeed in their learning, supporting decision-makers in identifying and implementing programs that improve student success.
Post-Secondary Education
SRDC is learning what it takes to increase the success rates of high school students and adults navigating transitions into, through, and out of post-secondary education, including university, college, and trades programs.
Social Finance
SRDC works with our partners to develop and assess innovative social finance approaches that address social and economic challenges facing Canadian communities.
Youth Development and Inclusion
SRDC works with community partners and educators to better design, develop, and implement programs that provide young people with positive relationships, confidence and social-emotional skills, ultimately leading to improved well-being, positive education and training opportunities, and employment outcomes.