Disability and the Workplace Research - SRDC

Disability and the Workplace Research

CBDC Restigouche has engaged SRDC to assist with primary data collection with employers and persons with disabilities on issues related to inclusive employment. The project is seeking to learn directly from employers and persons with disabilities to identify best practices, challenges, and emerging trends on issues related to disability and the workplace in Canada, particularly as related to small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

The primary research with employers is designed to capture the opportunities, needs, and challenges of SMEs related to recruiting, hiring, supporting, and retaining persons with disabilities. The survey of persons with disabilities aims to understand the challenges that persons with disabilities face in entering and succeeding in the workforce — with a special emphasis on small- to medium-sized business environments.

The project is also documenting the challenges experienced by employers and persons with disabilities related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as identify trends and forecasts for adapting to a post-pandemic environment. Lastly, the research is examining how challenges faced by persons with disabilities interact with, and are compounded by, other social identities and life situations.

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