Employer Challenges with Adult Work-Related Learning and Training: A Case Study of the Accommodation and Food Services Sector - SRDC

Employer Challenges with Adult Work-Related Learning and Training: A Case Study of the Accommodation and Food Services Sector

In 2019, the federal government launched Future Skills, aimed at assisting Canadians in accessing programs and providing ways for employers and workers to meet the needs of an evolving workforce. Work-related learning and training programs for adults are important to the development of the Canadian workforce for many reasons. They help workers obtain and adapt their skills to remain relevant to labour market needs when other types of education and training may be less tailored to their needs.

Employment focused training can be especially important to lower-income earners who may struggle financially to engage in learning that does not yield an immediate return. Work-related training is a means to train socio-demographic groups who could also be vulnerable to the impact of shifts in occupation and skills requirements due to artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Accessible, employer-informed programming that addresses the complex financial and socio-cultural needs of vulnerable workers is likely essential for adult workers (and their employers) to thrive in the post-COVID-19 labour market.

This project focuses on small-to-medium sized enterprises (SME), which are less likely to provide training opportunities to employees relative to large firms. The results will help to fill the evidence gap regarding work-related or work-based specific learning and training in Canada. Its findings and recommendations will help support the development of targeted approaches to work-related learning and training opportunities for Canadian adults.

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