Evidence Synthesis on System Performance Indicators for Cancer Control - SRDC

Evidence Synthesis on System Performance Indicators for Cancer Control

The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer is the steward of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, and works with partners to reduce the burden of cancer on Canadians. After 10 years of collaboration, they are accelerating work that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the cancer control system, aligning shared priorities and mobilizing positive change across the cancer continuum. The Partnership is currently launching a ‘refresh’ of the indicators used to assess cancer system performance, and has engaged SRDC to synthesize the evidence on indicators used in Canada and internationally. With the aid of an environmental scan and key informant interviews, SRDC will assess both existing indicators and those used in new areas of work related to cancer control. Results of the evidence synthesis will support the Partnership’s discussions with stakeholders and decisions about the most compelling set of indicators on which the Partnership will report, moving forward.

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