Improving Understanding of the Canada Learning Bond - SRDC

Improving Understanding of the Canada Learning Bond

The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) is a potential contribution of up to $2,000 per child from the federal government to the Registered Education Savings Plans of children from low-income families. It can be used to offset the costs of the child’s later study in apprenticeship programs, CEGEPs, trade schools, colleges, and universities. This project sets out to better understand the CLB by answering three research questions concerned with variation in access by birth cohort, household income, and geographical factors, as well as the degree to which CLB is associated with overall and education-specific savings behaviour among parents.

The three questions are:

  • What is the allocation of CLB funds to families by birth cohort and household income?
  • What can current data tell us about the catalytic impact of the CLB on education savings, broken down by birth cohort and household income?
  • What are the specific barriers to accessing the CLB among rural Canadians?

SRDC is analyzing data from Statistics Canada including the Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning, Canada Education Savings Program files linked to the 2016 Census and a potential second linkage focused on the Longitudinal Administrative Database.

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