Increasing Access to Benefits for Peoples with Disabilities - SRDC

Increasing Access to Benefits for Peoples with Disabilities


The objective for this project is to develop an effective service, with the potential for sustainable scaling, that can support people with disabilities to access government benefits they are eligible for, but not receiving. Consistent with this aim, the project will seek to: document the benefit journeys of people with disabilities and generate and disseminate new insights into the strengths and weaknesses of benefit processes from their perspective; identify, document and share insights on the most effective and promising approaches for removing barriers and increasing access to income benefits for people with disabilities; and co-design, develop, pilot and evaluate a new Access to Benefits Service with and for people with disabilities in B.C. SRDC is providing an advisory role during the service design phase of the project, advising on user needs and development of the Benefits Screening Tool and developing the evaluation framework and plan in collaboration with Prosper Canada. SRDC is responsible for implementing the evaluation plan, using a developmental evaluation approach.

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