Incremental Cost of Living as a Result of Being a Person with a Disability In Ontario - SRDC

Incremental Cost of Living as a Result of Being a Person with a Disability In Ontario

SRDC conducted empirical research to estimate the incremental cost of living as a result of being a person with disability, relative to the cost of living experienced by non-disabled adults, for Ontario. This data analysis is based on a literature review of research (particularly in methodology development) on measuring the additional needs for people with disabilities; analysis of applicability of identified models to the Ontario context; and investigation of internal/external data available to estimate incremental cost of living for disabled people in Ontario.

The final product is a report that

(a) reviews the most commonly adopted methodologies in evaluating the additional direct costs incurred by people with a disability, including pros and cons of each method,

(b) evaluates the robustness or applicability of each method using Canadian data, and

(c) evaluates the potential additional cost of living for people with a spectrum of disabilities living in Ontario using the best currently available data.

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