Literature Review: Learning Disabilities Among Francophones in Canada - SRDC

Literature Review: Learning Disabilities Among Francophones in Canada

SRDC was asked by the Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes (COFA) and their partners to conduct a literature review on the detection and support of French-speaking adults with learning disabilities who are seeking employment or career advancement. The aim of the project was to identify effective approaches and tools for the detection of learning disabilities in a French-speaking minority context, as well as best practices in the training, coaching, and support of French-speaking adults with learning disabilities, taking a holistic approach to the individual. It also aimed to propose adaptations to training programs to facilitate learning in this specific context, and to identify the elements needed to better equip employers to support these adults. The results of the project will make it possible to develop detection and support tools for this clientele and to better train and equip practitioners in adult education centres.

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