Learning What Works: New projects - SRDC

Learning What Works: New projects

December 9, 2016


Outdoor play beats screen time

SRDC is involved in two projects to increase the opportunities for children to engage in healthy, self-directed outdoor play.

SRDC is working with the Association francophone à l’éducation des services à l’enfance de l’Ontario and the Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario to encourage self-directed play among children. Supported by a Trillium Foundation grant, the Active outdoor play [Read more] program includes information for parents and teachers on the benefits of self-directed play, as well as teaching workshops to expand the role of exploration and play in learning.

The Lawson Foundation is funding a range of activities with similar goals under their Active Outdoor Play Strategy [Read more]. SRDC is evaluating the implementation and the early results of the strategy.

An innovative cluster training model for small business

SRDC is developing and evaluating a new essential skills training model in small businesses in New Brunswick. The cluster model pools the resources of several small firms to deliver programs beyond the resources of individual companies. The project is a partnership with the Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick, funded by New Brunswick’s Department of Post-secondary Education Training and Labour. [Read more]

New mentoring initiatives in the trades

SRDC is conducting background research for the development of two new trades programs in British Columbia. The BC government is addressing the underrepresentation of women in the trades through programs like Mentoring and Support Services for Women in the Trades [Read more]. Similarly, SRDC is working with the Electrical Joint Training Committee to improve Mentorship and Skills Development in BC’s Construction Sector [Read more].

Best practices to support youth mental health

SRDC is collecting information on a number of existing programs to help policy makers create the conditions that support integrated mental health and substance use services for young people. [Read more]

Should part-time programs be eligible for student financial aid?

Part-time postsecondary programs that do not have a full-time option are ineligible for federal student financial assistance. This study, funded by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, will use multiple methods to inform recommendations on the eligibility of financial assistance for students of such part-time programs. [Read more]

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