SRDC participates in a national conference on welfare-to-work - SRDC

SRDC participates in a national conference on welfare-to-work

November 16, 2003

By Wallaa Daramlly

On November 16th, 17th and 18th 2003, the Community Services Council of Newfoundland and Labrador hosted the national Welfare to Work: The Next Generation conference in St. John’s New Brunswick. John Helliwell, a Visiting Economist at the Bank of Canada and a member of SRDC’s Board of Directors, gave the keynote address. SRDC Principal Research Associate Reuben Ford took part on a panel addressing the use of incentives to facilitate welfare-to-work transitions, and presented the final results of SRDC’s Self-Sufficiency Project. SRDC also organized a separate panel to discuss the Community Employment Innovation Project, which it is currently operating in Cape Breton. The panel comprised SRDC Research Associates David Gyarmati and Darrell Kyte, who presented an overview of CEIP and discussed the network-based approach to social capital that is being explored in the project, and Angus Gillis, the Chair of the New Waterford Innovation Society, who discussed how CEIP is being perceived at the community level.

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